Friday 30 September 2016

BRP Rep. exposes CPEC & Pakistan sponsored terrorism at the UN Human Rights Council

Geneva: Baloch Republican Party Representative to the UN Human Rights Council, Mr. Abdul Nawaz Bugti, in his speech to the UNHRC criticized the China Pakistan Economic Corridor saying the project is not of any development or improvement in the occupied territory but rather a threat to the existence of the indigenous people of Balochistan, the Baloch nation.
“Trade between countries and development projects are key to improve the living conditions of common people and bring prosperity in their lives. It is the responsibility of the states to ensure full protection and promotion of human rights in all kinds of trade agreements and development projects. UN technical assistance & capacity building should be put to work to make that happen,” Mr. Bugti said in his speech.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

UN member states come forward and speak up against the Pakistani war crimes in Balochistan – Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti

Geneva: Prominent Baloch leader and the Chief of the Baloch Republican Party, Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti accompanied by Nawab Mehran Marri, addressed a side event about Balochistan held at the United Nations.

He began his address by shedding light to the early history of Balochistan saying “To understand the Balochistan problem and sufferings of Baloch people, we need to know the history of Balochistan. During the British era Balochistan was divided into 2 parts, British Balochistan and State Balochistan.

At the time of Indo/Pak partition British Balochistan was forcefully merged into Pakistan against their will and State Balochistan declared its independence.  But after nine months Pakistan army forcefully and illegally occupied State Balochistan,” he said adding that the Baloch sufferings started that day and they continue until this very moment.

Monday 26 September 2016

Geneva: BRP rally and demonstration highlights Pakistan war crimes in Balochistan

Geneva: Baloch Republican Party Switzerland chapter President, Sher Baz Bugti, Vice President Qadir Bugti and secretary general, Mohammad Nawaz Bugti in a  joint statement have said that BRP Swiss chapter carried out a protest rally, started from the center of the Geneva city and ended at Broken chair outside UN office, to highlight Baloch Genocide and state atrocities in Balochistan.
“Baloch National Leader and president of Baloch Republican Party, Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti and Nawab Mehran Marri, including large number of Swiss citizens and party activists, attended the rally to protest Human Right violations and ongoing genocide of Baloch people at the hand of Pakistani forces” the statement read.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Greece: BRP held a protest to highlight HR abuses & state atrocities in Balochistan

Greece: Baloch Republican Party chapter in Greece held a protest demonstration against Pakistani war crimes and human rights violations in Balochistan.
The protest was held in Athens, the capital of Greece headed by the President of the Party Chapter, Mr. Aslam Kiyazi Baloch. The objective of the protest was to highlight human rights violations and state atrocities against Baloch people such as military operations, enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings.
Protesters held placards and banners subscribed with different slogans against Pakistani occupation of Balochistan and the ongoing war crimes there.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Geneva: BRP discussed key Baloch issues including asylum to India in a high level meeting

Switzerland: A high level meeting of the Baloch Republican Party Central Committee was held under the leadership of Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti in Geneva.
Important topics including Pakistan atrocities in Balochistan, a formal asylum request to India, filling cases against Pakistani army Generals for atrocities in Balochistan were discussed in the meeting.
Nawab Bugti Sahib, while condemning the Uri attack on Indian army base in Jammu and Kashmir, said that Baloch stand in solidarity with India and the Indian nation in this hard and time of grievance.
“Pakistan aggression in Balochistan have escalated since the speech by Indian PM, Narendra Modi Sahib, about Balochistan and my welcoming reaction on the statement.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Curfew-like situation created in Mashkay, local faced with food & water shortages – BRP Media Cell

AWARAN: Many remote outskirts of Mashkay remain to be under complete siege for the seventh consecutive day. Villagers are being starved to death.According to details, a curfew-like situation prevailed in many parts of Mashkay when Pakistan army and other law enforcement agencies launched a military offensive at the area, burning down scores of houses to ashes after looting all valuables and household items on September 11th, 2016.
Since that, Kandadi, Zong, Allangi, and many other villages are under complete siege. The villagers are trapped at their homes and their movement is restricted. The residents of these villages were even not allowed to perform collective Eid prayers.
The exact situation there cannot be determined as the siege continues and all means of communication are suspended, but multiple reports indicate that the villagers are suffering from severe shortage of foods, water, and other household items.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

32 people killed 100+ abducted in three days military operation in Dera Bugti & Naseerabad districts

Dera Bugti: Military aggression in different areas of Naseerabad and Dera Bugti districts continued on third consecutive day.
According to the details, Pakistani forces have launched an intensive military operation in bordering areas of Dera Bugti & Rajanpur, including Geyandari, Jathero Rekho and Zamuran. Hundreds of Pakistani military troops backed by six gunship helicopters indiscriminately attacking civil populations since 9th of Sep.
Sources from Dera Bugti have confirmed that 15 people were killed, 8 got injured and 26 were abducted while up to 100 houses, and shelters of the residents were burnt to ashes in the first two days of army operation in Geyandani and it surrounding areas.
Local police sources confirmed to the BRP Media Cell that Army handed over 10 more mutilated corpses to the Sui police, that were brought via helicopters from Geyandari, while five women and ten men were also abducted are shifted to unknown location by forces during the operation.

Monday 12 September 2016

Baloch Republican Party protests in Busan, against mass human right violations in Balochistan

Busan: Baloch Republican Party South Korea chapter held a protest demonstration against mass human right violations and recent wave of military operations by the Pakistani forces across Balochistan, especially in Dera Bugti, in the Busan City on Sunday.
Party activists and large number of South Korean citizen participated in the protest and express solidarity with Baloch oppressed people, with holding banners, inscribed with various anti-Pakistan slogan, and they held photos of victims of military operations, killed and dump in Balochistan.
BRP South Korea chapter President Ameer Mohammad Baloch, while addressing the protesters, said that blood of Baloch innocent civilians being shed like water by Pakistan army during their continued military operations in Balochistan where women and children are the prime target.

Pak army kills 22, picked up women & children in Nasirabad & Dera Bugti operations – BRP

Geneva: Baloch Republican Party central spokesman, Mr. Sher Mohammad Bugti, in his statement said that Pakistani forces have conducted heavy military operations in bordering areas of Dera Bugti including Gyandari and Rajanpur.
“Security forces deployed between bordering areas of Balochistan and Punjab have carrying out joint military operations against the civil populace, 26 innocent civilian have been abducted, so far: Meanwhile, 15 Baloch civilian including 2 women, children 3, and 10 men have been killed due to indiscriminate shelling by helicopters” he said
The name of the deceased are: Shabana d/o Jarru Bugti, Laalen w/o Jarru Bugti, Razia d/o Jarru Bugti, Haani w/o Aalim Bugti, Shaani w/o Dilmurad Bugti, Dilmurad s/o Chakar Bugti, Aalim s/o Chakar Bugti, Shahmir Bugti, Lala Mohammad Bugti, Raza Mohammad Bugti, Jaan Mohammad s/o Salim Bugti,  Meer s/o Qalati Bugti, Ghulam Qadir Bugti s/o Janno Bugti, Noor Ali Bugti, and Chalu Bugti s/o Jumma Bugti.
The operation in the Gyandari and Rajanpur areas was continuing for the second consecutive day, so the figure of the deceased could rise, Mr. Bugti added.
He further said that after Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi’s speech on Balochistan and Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti welcoming it, Pakistani forces have escalated their barbarism against the Baloch nation.
He said that Pakistani forces conducted yet another military operation on the civil populations of Chattar area in Nasirabad. This operation was also backed by gunship helicopters and a large number of ground troops.
More than seven people including an elderly women have been killed during the operation in Chattar, adding that Pakistan army sees the Baloch women as terrorists now, as well.
He urged human rights organization and media to play a practical role in highlighting the Balochistan situation and taking effective actions against the culprits.

Sunday 11 September 2016

Pakistan army kills 15 including women & children in Dera Bugti operation

Dera Bugti: Military offensive carried out in bordering areas of Dera Bugti and Punjab. More than 15 people killed, 8 injured and 26 Baloch civilian including women and children have been abducted.
BRP Media Cell sources reported that Pakistani forces, backed by gunship helicopter,  carried out a massive military operation in Gyandari and Rajanpur, the bordering areas between Dera Bugti and Punjab. More than 15 innocent Baloch civilians including four women and two children have been killed, 8 injured and at least 26 people have been abducted during the military operation.
The majority of the abducted ones were women and children, as well. More than eight gunship helicopters, 37 armored vehicles and hundreds of troops took part in the operation.
Although the identification of the abducted and injured ones remained unconfirmed, BRP sources have verified the identification of killed ones as: Shabana d/o Jarru Bugti, Laalen w/o Jarru Bugti, Razia d/o Jarru Bugti, Haani w/o Aalim Bugti, Shaani w/o Dilmurad Bugti, Dilmurad s/o Chakar Bugti, Aalim s/o Chakar Bugti, Shahmir Bugti, Lala Mohammad Bugti, Raza Mohammad Bugti, Jaan Mohammad s/o Salim Bugti,  Meer s/o Qalati Bugti, Ghulam Qadir Bugti s/o Janno Bugti, Noor Ali Bugti, and Chalu Bugti s/o Jumma Bugti.
More than sixty houses belonging to the civilians of the areas have been burned down by Pakistani army during the military operation that was conducted earlier in the morning.

Saturday 10 September 2016

One killed & 19 abducted in Sui operations: Siege on Baloch activist house continues in Turbat – BRP Media Cell report

Balochistan: Pakistani forces are besieging house of a political activist in Turbat from four days. Separate military operations in Sui and Syahaaf areas: One killed and 19 people abducted, so far.
According to BRP Media Cell sources, Pakistani forces have been sieging house of the political activist, Mr. Pirjan, with his minor and family members inside from past four consecutive days in Turbat. Although, the HRCP has visited the scene, the siege seems to continue.
Meanwhile, Pakistani forces have conducted military operations in different areas of Dera Bugti including Shahri Darbar, Asreli and Dilbar Mat. Dozens of houses of the Baloch civilian population were set on fire during the military operation, and At least 19 members of a family have been abducted during these operations.
Name of the people who were abducted by the Pakistani forces during military operation in different areas of Sui, including Shari Darbar, Asreli & Dilbar Mat: 1) Laloo Bugti, 2) Aharo s/o Sawali Bugti, 3) Hazaro s/o Sawali Bugti, 4) zenna d/o Sawali Bugti, 5) Mher bibi w/o Fareed, 6) Patoli w/o Fareed Bugti, 7) mukhi d/o Fareed, 8) zemmi w/o Marshalla, 9) Guddi d/o Rakhiya, 10) Khan bibi d/o Rakhiya, 11) Sammi w/o Talla Bugti, 12) Ali Mohammad s/o Talla Bugti, 13) Sadoori d/o Marshalla, 14) Gazzi s/o Marshallah, 15) Niaz Mohammad s/o Marshallah, 16) Bakhti d/o Laloo Bugti, 17) Noori d/o Laloo Bugti, 18) Dildar s/o Laloo and 19) Nasreen w/o Laloo.
A Baloch civilian was also killed during the operation. The victim was identified Shambo Bugti who was picked up, killed and dumped by Pakistani army during the military operation in these areas.
On the other hand, Pakistani forces abducted yet another Baloch civilian during a raid on his house in Chattar area of Naseerbad. The victim has been identified as Nisar Bugti son of Karman Bugti but his whereabouts remained undisclosed until filling of this report.

Thursday 8 September 2016

BRP Media Cell report on enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings in Balochistan since January, 2016.

Geneva: This is a reportage by Baloch Republican Party Media Cell team, based on the verified information provided by our sources, about some of the victims of enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings in Balochistan since 1st January to the 31th of August in the year of 2016.
Because of lack of media coverage in Balochistan, the actual figures of victims could be higher than that we have compiled in this report which estimates to 570 of the enforced disappeared and 260 of the extra judicially killed ones only in the eight months of year 2016. It is  of importance to mention here that our sources have collected information of these victims only through their relatives and locals who are eye-witnesses of those incidents.

Monday 5 September 2016

Pakistan army abducts three civilians during search operation in Tump

Kech: Pakistani forces conducted a military operation in Nazirabad area of Tump. Three Baloch civilians have been abducted, so far. Families gathered outside Frontier Corps (FC) camp to protest for their loved ones.
BRP Media Cell sources reported that Pakistani forces carried out a military operation in Nazirabad area of Tump. At least three Baloch civilians identified as Baasith s/o Sowali, Shuqath s/o Liyaqat and Fazal have been abducted and detained.
Meanwhile, the families of the abducted persons gathered outside the FC camp protesting for the safe release of their loved ones. However, the whereabouts of the victims remained undisclosed until filing of this report.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

BRP rallies in Awaran against CPEC & military operations in Balochistan

Awaran: Baloch Republican Party activists carried out a protest rally against military operations and Chinese intervention in Balochistan. Chanted slogan in support of top Baloch nationalist leader, Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti, here on Monday.
A rally was carried out in Kolwa area of Awaran district to protest the recent military operations in different parts of Balochistan including Dera Bugti and the intervention of China on Baloch soil.
The protesters chanted slogans “down with Pakistan, long live Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti” and against the Chinese intervention in Baloch soil through so-called Economic project which the Baloch people see as a threat to their identity and existence.
A large number of activists including women and children participated in the rally and protested against China and Pakistan for looting Baloch resources and conducting military operations against civil Baloch populace in every corner of Balochistan.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

BRP spokesman directed activists to highlight enforced disappearances in Balochistan

Geneva: Baloch Republican Party announced to highlight the issue of enforces disappearances in Balochistan on international day of enforced disappearances.
Party’s central spokesman Mr Sher Mohammad Bugti announced in a tweet that BRP will highlight the plight of extrajudicial abductions and custodial killings of Baloch vcitms at the hands of Pakistani forces.
He said that Pakistani forces have abducted up to 25000 Baloch and 6000 killed under custody in past few years.
Mr Bugti directed party activists to organize event on all possible international forms and highlight the plight of victims of enforced disappearances.

Monday 29 August 2016

Pakistani forces killed & buried 15 civilians into a mass grave Sui – BRP Media Cell report

Dera Bugti: Pakistani forces killed and buried fifteen innocent Baloch civilian into a mass grave in Sui area of Dera Bugti in one week. Meanwhile, Pakistani army started a crackdown on Bugti tribal elders.
At least fifteen Baloch civilians have been killed and buried into a mass grave by Pakistani forces in Anayat Shah Darbar area of Sui, Dera Bugti in a week. BRP Media Cell sources reported that Pakistan army handed over three mutilated dead bodies to the levies in Sui today.
The identity of the victims could not be confirmed due to severe mutilation. The locals say the victims were seventeen to eighteen years old Baloch youths who may have been some of the previously abducted Baloch persons.
Furthermore, Pakistani forces handed over at least twelve dead bodies of innocent Baloch civilian, three days past. The identification of these victims remained undisclosed, as well. The locals reported that all of these victims were buried without burial rites into a mass grave in Anayat Shah Darbar area in Sui, Dera Bugti.
Meanwhile, Pakistani army started  a fresh crackdown on Bugti tribal elders in Sui. First Wadera Elahi Baksh Bugti and second Wadera Mohammad Baksh Mondrani Bugti has been abducted by Pakistani armed forces. According to sources in Sui that the tribal elders being arrested as they refused to protest against Baloch national leader Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti.
Meanwhile Central spokesmen of the Baloch Republican Party, in a tweet, condemned the abductions of Bugti tribal elders.

Saturday 27 August 2016

BRP commemorates #ShaheedNawabAkbarBugti martyrdom day worldwide

Geneva: Baloch Republican Party held shutter down strikes and events all across the world including Balochistan, US, European countries and the United Kingdom on tenth martyrdom anniversary of Shaheed Nawab Akbar Bugti. Activists paid tributes to their elder leader and vowed to continue their struggle following the ideology of the father of the nation.

Baloch Republican Party chapters in the European countries including Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Greece and South Korea held events, remembered Shaheed Nawab Akbar Bugti and paid tributes to him for his lifetime struggle and ultimate sacrifices for the Balochistan freedom.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Open massacre of 28 people in Dera Bugti Operation on 13 August – report

Dera Bugti: Pakistani forces and their death squads gathered in a large number and conducted a gory military operation in every corner of Dera Bugti on August 13, 2016. At least 28 people were brutally massacred and more than a dozen injured.
BRP Media Cell investigated the military operation of 13 August in different areas of Dera Bugti district including Sui, Suri, Takrov, Siyah Tang, Pashini, Langovi, Darenjan, Sharidarbar and Uch. More than six helicopters participated in the operation bombarding civilian populations of the areas.
The operation continued for five consecutive days resulting in the death of 28 people and injuring more than 30 others. Furthermore, houses were destroyed and cattles of the people were slaughtered.
It is worth to mention here that 4 of the victims in the 28 were women and one of them was a 7 years old child. In the areas such as mentioned above, cattles are the only source of income and the people who were killed in the military operation belonged to different simple walk of lives such as farming, selling and etcetera.
BRP Media Cell team interviewed some of the abductees who were later released and they described how Pakistani army shot dead their beloved ones in ISIS-Style executions.

Monday 15 August 2016

Welcome Modi’s statement on Balochistan, supporting Baloch should be a part of Indian foreign policy – Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti

Geneva: Prominent Baloch leader and the chief of Baloch Republican Party in a video on social networking site Facebook, thanked the Prime Minister on his statement regarding Balochistan and termed it to be encouraging for the Balochistan of people.
He said “Today, i would like to talk about the international political scene which is changing very fast in the favor of Baloch people. Recently, the statement of Indian Prime Minister in very high level all party meeting is very encouraging. I thank the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi Sahib, for speaking about Balochistan problem.”

Sunday 14 August 2016

Mass killings in Balochistan: Pakistan army massacred 28 in Dera Bugti operation – BRP

Geneva: Baloch Republican Party central spokesmen, Mr. Sher Mohammad Bugti, in his statement said that fresh military operations were being conducted in Dera Bugti.
Civilian populace was being extremely targeted by Pakistani army during the military operations in different areas of Dera Bugti, he says.
Mr. further said that “Many areas of Dera Bugti including Suhri Darbar, Pishini, Takru, Pirkoh, Kaleeri and Pelawagh have been sieged and military operation is being conducted backed by gunship helicopters and a large number of ground troops.
Due to indiscriminate shelling by helicopters, dozens of houses were destroyed, and four persons of the same family were killed and many injured during the military operations. Casualties could raise as the area remains under heavy siege”
The safety of dozens of people, abducted during military operation, is feared. The operation was continuing in the areas until last reports.
He said that escalation of military operations in Dera Bugti and across Balochistan were adding to the Baloch Genocide by Pakistani army.
He urged human rights organization to take notice of rights violations and heinous crimes by Pakistan army in Balochistan.
Baloch Republican Party Media Cell sources identified deceased victims of three days military operation in Dera Bugti as:

Brahumdagh Bugti welcomes Indian PM Narendra Modi’s statement 



Friday 12 August 2016


We welcome Indian PM statement on Balochistan - BRP Representative Abdul Nawaz Bugti  


Nawab Bahumdagh Bugti respond to the questions, asked to him on social media. Part 2


Nawab Bahumdagh Bugti respond to the questions, asked to him on social media. Part 1


The great Baloch National leader Nawab Brahumdagh Bugtimessage for Baloch Activities




BRP welcomes Indian PM’s statement regarding Balochistan – Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti

Geneva: Baloch Republican Party has welcomed the statement of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi about highlighting the Balochistan issue on international level. Baloch national leader and president of BRP Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti said through his twitter handle that “BRP welcomes Indian prime minister’s statement regarding Balochistan.
“We appreciate the statement of PM of India. As the world’s largest democracy and being a responsible neighbor, India should intervene in Balochistan.” he added.
Similarly, BRP representative at United Nations Human Rights Council Abdul Nawaz Bugti while talking to indian media praised the decision of Indian government to highlight Balochistan globally.

Thursday 11 August 2016

BRP stages protest outside Greek parliament, exposing war crimes in Balochistan

Greece: Baloch Republican Party central spokesmen, Mr. Sher Mohammad Bugti, in a statement said that a new chapter was formed in Greece headed by party CC Member, Aslam Kiazi Baloch.
Party’s newly formed chapter held a protest demonstration in front of the Greek Parliament to highlight state atrocities and human rights violations and Pakistan army’s war crimes in Balochistan, where Pakistan forces have abducted and killed hundreds of thousands of Baloch political activists, students and lawyers.
Protesters demonstrated banners, placards and pictures of ‘kill and dump’ victims protesting state atrocities.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

#ShaheedNawabAkbarBugti: BRP commemorates birth anniversary of the father of the nation worldwide

Zurich: Baloch Republican Party central spokesman, Mr. Sher Mohammad Bugti, has said in a statement that events were held in different countries across the world to commemorate the birth anniversary of Shaheed Nawab Akbar Bugti, pay respect and tributes to him for his sacrifices for Baloch motherland.
Baloch Republican Party central leadership held an event in Switzerland’s Zurich City where top Baloch leader and Party chief, Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti, and members from across the Europe participated.
Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti and his son, Shahbaz Akbar Bugti Jr. started the event by cutting the cake while a ten-minutes documentary on Shaheed Nawab Akbar Bugti’s life was played at the event.
Former diplomats from Sudan and Hungry had also shown their valuable presence on the occasion.
Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti, while addressing, said that “On this day, we pay tributes to Shaheed Nawab Akbar Bugti, and remembering him will further strengthen our resolves”
He repeated that to achieve the goals Shaheed Nawab Akbar Bugti had dreamed of, we have to make sincere efforts while uniting under one.
Similar events were held in London and Khaleej to commemorate the birth anniversary of Shaheed Nawab Akbar Bugti. In london, a large number of BRP activists and leaders including Mansoor Baloch and Sardar Bakhtiyar Domki were also present.
Meanwhile, BRP activists in Khaleej had also celebrated Dada e Baloch’s birthday with events. Hundreds of Baloch people, party activists and Baloch leader, Nawab Zamuran Marri, had participated and paid their respect and tributes to Shaheed Nawab Akbar Bugti.
Birthday events were also held in three different cities of Germany and candles were lighted on the occasion of the 89th birth anniversary of Shaheed Nawab Akbar Bugti. In leipzig city, the event was held in Germany Chapter’s President, Jawad Mohammad’s place.
Among the other countries where events were held by BRP activists on this occasion are France, Norway, Italy,  Afghanistan and all across Balochistan including Dera Bugti, Nasirabad, Sui, Mand, Turbat, Karachi, Quetta, Mastung and Dalbandin.
Seminar were also held in the areas during which candles were lighted to pay respect to Shaheed Nawab Akbar Bugti on his extraordinary sacrifices.

Friday 8 July 2016

Baloch Republican Party awareness camp in Geneva attracts world attention

By on
Geneva: Baloch Republican Party Switzerland Chapter’s President, Sher Baz Bugti, Vice President Qadir Bugti and Secretary General, Mohammad Nawaz Bugti, in a joint statement said that the awareness camp against Human rights violations in Balochistan at Broken chair concluded on its sixth day. The objective of the camp was to highlight Pakistani state atrocities, Baloch Genocide and Human rights violations before the international community.  

Mr. Sher Baz Bugti says that pamphlets were distributed to human rights activists and tourists from different countries who visited BRP awareness camp and learned about the Pakistani atrocities against Baloch people and the current Balochistan situation.

Mr. Bugti further added that “Human rights violations by Pakistan’s armed forces in Balochistan are escalating on a daily basis; Baloch civilians are being slaughtered during military operations and indiscriminate bombardments. Baloch youth, and even women and children are being abducted and shifted to Pakistan military torture cells, and they are being murdered under custody. Baloch blood is being shed as if water, to which the silence of responsible human rights bodies is absenting.”
During the awareness campaign, thousands of people from different parts of the world condemned the Pakistan’s barbarism against Baloch people and expressed their solidarity to the Baloch struggle. Prominent Baloch leader and chief of the Baloch Republican Party, Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti, also visited the camp on the sixth day and encouraged activists.

Baloch leader praised the efforts made by Party activists toward highlighting the Baloch cause to international levels and directed them to be more active.

He urged the human rights organizations including the United nations to take notice of human rights violations in Balochistan and take immediate, practical and effective steps to stop Baloch Genocide.

Saturday 25 June 2016

BRP Germany president, Jawad Baloch speaks at German-Israel congress in Frankfurt


Monday 20 June 2016

BRP raised Baloch voice at Israel-German congress

June 20, 2016    
Frankfurt: Baloch Republican Party Germany Chapter President, Mr. Jawad Mohammad Baloch,  in a statement said that a delegation of BRP Germany participated in an event organized by the German-Israel congress and highlighted Pakistani state atrocities and human rights violations in Balochistan.

BRP members including the President of Germany Chapter and Mr. Jawad Mohd Baloch, Secretary General Mr. Adil Baloch joined the event and met with high political figures of Israel and Germany including Former Deputy President of Israel, Vice President, Mr. Shaul Mofaz, Former Minister of Defence, Mr. Sacha Stawski, Chairman of Israel Congress Germany, Uwe Becker, the Frankfurt City Treasurer and many other media and political representatives and briefed them about the situation in Balochistan.

Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, the current Prime Minister of Israel, had also given a speech in the event through a video link.

While addressing the event, Mr. Jawad Mohammad Baloch informed the participants about the Baloch history, the Baloch national struggle and the Pakistani state atrocities in Balochistan in detail.

He said that Pakistani state, since day one, had been committing the Baloch genocide, human rights violations and war crimes in Balochistan.

While in the meeting, participants and representatives in event paid solidarity with Baloch Republican Party and assured their support for the Baloch struggle.

Baloch Republican Party has been highlighting across the European countries and the world the Baloch freedom movement, human rights violations in Balochistan and war crimes by Pakistani state; Therefore, international support for Baloch is escalating

Baloch Republican Party delegation talking to International Media about Ongoing Human Rights Violations in Balochistan at 4th German Israel Congress on June 19, 2016 in Frankfurt Germany.

Baloch Republican Party delegation headed by Jawad Mohammad Baloch, president of party's Germany chapter, participated in the Israel-Germany Congress in Frankfurt today. Jawad Mohammad while addressing the event highlighted Pakistani state atrocities & human rights violations in ‪#‎Balochistan‬. Mr. Shaul Mofaz, Former Minister of Defence, Deputy PM, Vice PM of Israel was briefed by the delegation about the ongoing situation in Balochistan.

Along President Information Secretary of BRP Germany Chapter Adil Baloch talking to International Media about Human Rights Abuses in Balochistan.

بی آر پی جرمنی کی جانب سے اسرائیل جرمنی کانگریس میں شرکت

فریکفرٹ(ریپبلکن نیوز)بلوچ ری پبلکن پارٹی جرمنی چیپٹر کے صدر جواد محمد بلوچ نے اپنے بیان میں کہا ہے کہ بی آر پی جرمنی کی جانب سے جرمنی کے شہر فریکفرٹ میں اسرائیل جرمنی کانگریس میں شرکت کی گئی اور بلوچستان میں جاری ریاستی ظلم و جبر اور انسانی حقوق کی سنگین خلاف ورزیوں کو اجاگر کیا گیا۔ تقریب میں بی آرپی کے جرمنی چیپٹر کے صدر جواد محمد بلوچ، جنرل سیکٹری عادل بلوچ سمیت کارکنان نے حصہ لیا اور جرمنی اور اسرائیل کے اہم رہنماوں اور میڈیا کے نمائندوں سے بلوچستان کے حالات کے بارے میں آگاہی فراہم کی جن میں اسرائیل کے سابقہ ڈپٹی وزیراعظم، نائب وزیراعظم اور وزیر دفع کے عہدوں پر رہنے والے رہنما شوال موفاز، اسرائل جرمنی کانگریس کے صدر ساچا سٹاسکی، فرینکفرٹ شہر کے خزانچی اوئی بیکر سمیت اہم سیاسی رہنماوں، حکومتی عہدیداروں اور میڈیا کے نمائندوں سے گفتگو کی۔ اس پروگرام میں اسرائیل کے موجودہ صدر اور وزیراعظم نتن یاہو نے بھی ویڈیو لنک کے ذریعے خطاب کیا۔ بی آر پی جرمنی کے صدر جواد محمد بلوچ نے تقریب سے خطاب کیا اور بلوچستان کے تاریخ، بلوچ قومی جدوجہد اور ریاستی مظالم کے بارے میں تفصیلی معلومات فراہم کی۔ انھوں نے خطاب کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ پاکستانی ریاستی روز اول سے بلوچ نسل کشی کا ارتکاب کررہی ہے اور بلوچستان میں جنگی جرائم اور انسانی حقوق کی سنگین خلاف ورزیوں میں ملوث ہے۔ ملاقات میں رہنماوں اور شرکاء نے بی آر پی کارکنان سے اظہار یکجہتی کیا اور بلوچ قومی جدوجہد کی بھرپور حمایت کی یقین دہانی بھی کرائی۔ بی آر پی یورپی ممالک سمیت دنیا بھر میں بلوچ قومی تحریک، بلوچستان میں جاری انسانی حقوق کی سنگین خلاف ورزیوں اور ریاست کی جانب سے جنگی جرائم کو اجاگر کرتی رہیگی جس سے بلوچ قومی جدوجہد کے حوالے سے بین الاقوامی حمایت میں اضافہ یقینی ہے۔